10 Things You Shouldn’t Freak Out About Before Graduating



Graduation is creeping up on you, and we know how you feel. Here’s a list of 10 things that are probably causing your panic attack right now, but just take a deep breath, keep calm, and read on.

1. Not Having a Job

We totally get it. Everyone in your family is super eager to ask questions about your post-grad plans to find out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a solid answer to give them? Sure, but realistically, this is not the case for many graduating college seniors. Just because you don’t have an offer set in stone for your dream job the day after graduation, this doesn’t mean it will never happen for you. Be patient but diligent in sending out those cover letters and resumes! Eventually, something will pop-up and the burden will be lifted!

2. Moving Back Home With Your Parents

We know it’s not ideal to go from having your best friends to your parents as roommates, but just stay focused on the bigger picture. Set yourself a goal of the date when you want to be moved out on your own, and make sure you’re working towards reaching that!

If you’re sick of hearing your parents say, “Where are you going? With who? Text me when you get there,” then it might be a sign that it’s time to leave the nest. Living with overbearing parents can be torture, but just remember that it is only temporary!

3. Finding Your Life Partner

Remember when there was a time where young people would actually go on dates to see if they were a good match? We don’t either. But, we’re determined to bring it back. Twenties should be all about of chivalry and romance, and more importantly, going out on actual dates to see who you work well with. You don’t need to find your significant other right away; you have years to let things fall into place, so don’t force it!

4. Paying Back Student Loans

While this can be a major source of stress for many, you can ease your worries by getting a job outside of your field simply to pay the bills in the meantime. The best part is, most schools have a 6 month buffer period where you can find a job and not have to pay back those catastrophic loans right away.

5. Leaving Your College Friends Behind

Being with the same group of people 24/7 for months can definitely create a strong bond between friends. When it comes time to part ways, it’s important to make a pact that you’ll all agree to stick too. It’s no different than a long distance relationship. Promise to visit one another every other month, send each other care packages, plan mini vacation weekends—whatever it takes!

6. Realizing That You Will Eventually Have a 9 to 5 Job

Try going to bed at a reasonable hour, and you might actually find that waking up before noon is not as bad as you thought. We’ve been there; we know that asking us to be at work at 9am is pretty much the same thing as telling us to run a mile before the sun rises. Create a routine for yourself and soon you will get the hang of things!

7. Seeing All Your Facebook Friends Getting Engaged/Popping Out Kids

This pretty much goes hand-in-hand with not worrying about meeting your other half. If you find yourself sobbing with your face in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, remind yourself that there’s nothing to envy about having kids and no money to support them. Chances are you’ve have a quarter life crisis already about feeling unaccomplished for your age, but we promise that these milestones at age twenty are usually not glamorous in the long run. Just remember, the unfollow button is there for a reason.

8. Not Being Able to Drink Every Night

Kegstand! Kegstand! I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but believe it or not, it’s time to be a grown up. No more beer bongs or shot gunning in the backyard of some dirtbag frat house. Your days of making excuses for drinking every night are over. We both know there was never a such thing as Margarita Mondays, Tequila Tuesdays, Whiskey Wednesdays, etc. Don’t start hyperventilating just yet; there are benefits to experiencing life without your beer googles on! Allow yourself to do fun (sober) things during the week, like trying out that restaurant that recently opened in town, or catching up with your best friend from high school over some fro-yo.

9. Not Binge Eating at 3am

We’ll be the first to admit that there’s nothing better than taquitos and bagel bites after getting home from a night out, but that comes with some consequences. You will most likely feel like garbage the morning after scarfing down a feast of fried stuff. If you try eating healthy and unprocessed foods, you could see a major change in your mood and feel cleansed. Bonus: eating right is also great for your skin and can help give you that glowing complexion.

10. Not Having All the Answers Right Now

It’s fine to not have everything figured out right now. It’s fine that you don’t have a detailed plan of the next 5 years of your life. It’s fine that the road ahead is unclear. Our advice to you: work hard, learn to roll with the punches, and most importantly, just enjoy living out your twenties!